It is with great sadness that we received the news that on March 23, 2022, Professor Dr. hab. Jadwigi Kuczyńska – Kwapisz, Man of the Big Heart, an outstanding teacher, a long-term educator at the School and Education Center in Laski, full professor at the Department of Special, Pre-School and Early School Education at the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, where for many years she was the founder and dean of long-term head of the Department of Typhlo-pedagogy at the Academy of Special Education Maria Grzegorzewska, long-time editor of the “Specjalna School”, national and international expert in the field of typhlo-pedagogy, author of many important scientific publications, dedicated to the cause of disabled people until the last few days. Polish special education suffered a great loss, however, the legacy of Professor Jadwiga Kuczyńska-Kwapisz will remain an inspiration for her students and successors.

As the Editorial Team of “Social Pedagogy” we feel honored that we were able to publish the last of her texts in No. 1-2 / 2021. However, it is difficult to accept the idea that he is the Last.

With deep respect for the memory of the Professor,

Editorial Team of Social Pedagogy:

dr Krzysztof Zieliński, Vice-Rector of Pedagogium WSNS, editor-in-chiefdr hab. Krystyna M.

Błeszyńska, deputy editor-in-chief

Barbara Chmielewska, editorial secretary